I have been teaching the Alexander Technique since 1992 and regularly work with people because they have backache and the cause is not always so obvious.

Here are some things that may help - some quick fixes, some that are long term care and some to think about.

1.Importantly, aches and pains are signs that things are not ok. If backache persists, go and see your doctor to eliminate anything nasty.

2.If they cannot find anything it comes down to what are you doing to yourself? Do you do the same thing day in day out such as carrying a bag on one shoulder, sitting in the same corner of the sofa, sitting scrunched up in front of the PC - anything that will build odd postural habit patterns?

3.The sneaky thing about habit patterns is we are so used to them and need some outside reference such as a mirror, wall, floor or Alexander Teacher to search for them. Having a comfy chair only means it fits in with our habit patterns. Correct alignment often feels wrong to start with so persist and practise until you become accustomed - not easy but possible.

4.Posture - this is a big one. Have a look in a full length mirror (put a plumb line in front) - how symmetrical are you? Do you lean either way? Are you on one leg more than the other? Does your head lean?

If you do not have good postural alignment all sorts of strains are put on the body, but it is possible to have good alignment and still be holding a lot of troublesome tension. The goal is a rag doll looseness with a two year old's sense of poise and balance not a military stance.

5.When standing keep the knees free and unlocked. Push them back and then ease off the effort until you can waggle them. This takes some pressure off the lower back.

6.Where is the weight on your feet? Forward on your toes is getting ready to walk, on your heels is falling backwards. In either case you have to tense to keep upright.

7.While we are looking at ourselves do you need to lose some weight? Excess weight puts a lot of pressure on the joints.

8.It may be you have done something daft and it is only a muscle strain. Try lying on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor for 20 minutes. This helps the back to naturally release tension.

9.Alternate hot and cold pads to encourage the circulation and relax the muscles. A not too hot hot water bottle and the universal pack of frozen peas (an unopened pack saves a lot of time) are ideal.

10.Are you drinking enough fluid? Lower backache can be due to dehydration affecting the soft tissue. Six pints daily is recommended and it can be anything except booze. That is twelve mugs/eighteen cups of tea, coffee, water, juice, milkshake, custard, ice cream..make your own list. Keep a record for a week to see how you do.

11.What we think affects the body and what our body gets up to affects our mental process in reality; they cannot be separated and it is all one system. This principle is called psycho-physical unity or more commonly the mind/body link. This is why stress and backache are closely related.

12.Do you end the day with tight shoulders and a headache? This is a sign of tension - the flight and fight defence has been triggered. It is not the situation doing this to you, but it is your response to it. All you have to do is learn a different response that is not tension building.

13.Listen to your body - what is it telling you? Various headaches, migraines, restlessness and aches and pains can be early warning signs things are not going your way. Our head is responding to a situation beginning to overwhelm us and sending warning messages - the it's all too much syndrome. You can get away with it for short periods but if you do not pay attention your body will increase the symptoms until you do. If you struggle on and manage or cope this can be a stroke or heart attack. What are your early warning tip-offs?

14.Make sure you take some your time during the day. Sit quietly with a cup of tea, do some easy reading, go for a walk but give your head a rest. Write any lingering thoughts or worries down to get them out of your head.

15.Recall when you felt really healthy and happy and visualise yourself there - how do you feel, see and hear - what do you notice as the symptoms of relaxed? In tricky stressful situations just pause and recall this experience. You could even carry a picture of your favourite place as a reminder. Your muscles will respond and the pains subside.

16.Go for a walk. It is the best way to exercise your back. It is load bearing and encourages mobility. It does not have to be up big hills - unless you enjoy that sort of thing, just 20 minutes around the block admiring people's gardens or to the pub to top up on those fluids. Walk tall with head up and notice things around you. Being outdoors also helps top up much needed vitamin D.

17.Once you see the benefits of being more active try Tai Chi or yoga, anything that encourages flexibility. Strength is not so important - if you can walk about unaided you are doing OK.

Going to the gym without first addressing poor postural habits will strengthen them and limit your use even more. It is the sort of thing the Alexander Technique deals with.

18.Funnily enough tight clothing that restricts movement can aggravate the spine. It is said by the underwear industry that 80% of women have the wrong size bra. A tight band around the ribs stops them moving and causes backache. I expect the same can be said for tight trouser belts.

It goes for shoes as well. If they do not fit correctly in length and width or are worn down they can throw out your alignment and cause backache.

19.If you spend a lot of time sitting make sure your work chair does not encourage poor postural habits. The base should be level (a slight tip forward helps) and firm so you can balance on your sit bones and not need the chair back. Slouching and staring at a PC screen all day is not what we are designed for so it is important we take care of ourselves.

20.Take regular breaks away from whatever you are doing and have a stretch. My old cat is always stretching and she can balance on top of a fence!

21.How could I not suggest you take a look at the Alexander Technique? It is a way to improve personal performance both mentally and physically and to restore a natural sense of balance in all ways. I have worked with people of all ages and abilities and there seems to be no limit to who can change if they have an open mind and are willing to learn. It is gentle and causes no harm, all you have to do is remove your shoes.

Long held habits of posture, movement and thinking can all be changed by applying Alexander's Principles and who knows? It may change your life (it did mine).

22.Take responsibility - do not expect others to fix things, but look at what are you willing to do today to take care of yourself. You have made a start already!

“One to one lessons in the Alexander Technique from registered Teachers have long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain. ”

••••• Prof. Paul Little, ATEAM chronic back pain trial

See also:

British Medical Journal 2008 Paper on chronic back ache comparing Alexander Technique, physiotherapy and rest. You can read the full article, (BMJ 2008;337:a884) or watch a video that summarises the research. (Both of these links will open in a new browser window or tab. The video is in two parts, the link will take you to part one; when you have seen part one there is a link to part two.)

Alexander Technique www.charlestully.co.uk

Stress tips www.stresstips.co.uk

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Charles Tully. Charles encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

© Charles Tully 2014     01983 568617      charles@charlestully.co.uk

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